This is one of the things I love in my kitchen. I bought it recently and have yet to hang it properly... it's so cute and goes well with my cookie jar collection. But the hate and bain of my existence is our kitchen floor.

It is inspired by big al's toy barn in toy story. (I actually paused the dvd, photographed the tv and copied the pattern somewhat to have in the kitchen and attached living area.) Never, I repeat never choose white/cream linoleum. Especially in a kitchen or house with 2 dogs and a toddler. How did the women of the 50's ever do it? So I thought that I'd buy this....

It hasn't helped, so the last resort was a steam mop, all working okay until the handle snapped and of course I can't find my receipt, so this morning was spent on my hands and knees with the steam mop and its' now 20cm long handle....
Good news though 2 weeks until we open and we are continuing to find some very talented people out there making loads of cool stuff.