Phew what a week so far.... we have been madly cleaning and yet again re-arranging our home as yesterday Sharyn Cairns photographed our home for Cookie Magazine. Whilst this is very exciting, folk out there do not underestimate how messy we (well I) are. Last week I finally managed to sort through piles of paperwork and boxes of crap and had some sort of organisation in our office/study only to be destroyed by the last few days cleaning frenzy that saw everything dumped in there. I had a sewing table, woo hoo for 3 days. I'm so over being messy and wonder if there is any hope. I even asked my Aunt recently if I had ever been tidy and organised, even when I was little. A resounding "No". Damn. Oh well, at least in photographs my home is how I would like it to be.
Oh and I managed to do some of the styling, so there may be cameo appearances by nongs, oobee and a thelmas stuffie. Nothing like a bit of gratuitous product placement.
Cookie Magazine! eep!
It makes me feel so much better that you are messy too - the photos of your house always have me groaning, saying "why isn't my house clean and gorgeous like that?"
I think the messy thing is terminal - I can't seem to get over it either - I tidy the house, get everything looking gorgeous, and all I have to do is turn my back for two seconds and it's messy again. *sigh*.
Let us know when the article comes out!
Leah xxx
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