Friday, May 2, 2008

yet another shop photograph

Yet more holes in our walls....Vintage children's book illustration pages. I am always in two minds with what to do with old falling-apart children's books. They have such lovely illustrations that are forever sat on bookshelves and occasionally glanced at and admired. I love them framed on walls but then wonder about the lost story that accompanies the images. Ideally it would be great to copy them but that would infringe upon copyright I'm sure. Especially for us to sell them. We also don't want to be a shop that sells photocopies. So please know that we sell original prints, posters, artworks etc and when they are not, we will make it obvious so you know too.


Nanette said...

K-UTE and the shop looks delicious, I mus visit next time we're in Melbourne.

Anonymous said...

Oh I know what you mean. I've bought some childrens books for the illustrations, thinking I'd make cards out of them...but hate the thought of cutting up the original. I thought of photocopying too....I guess it doesn't matter if you don't sell them...