Saturday, June 20, 2009

how good is this box?

it's better than the game. I'm planning on framing this next week. I'd like to say it's for the shop, but I have a feeling this one may sneak upstairs for a wee bit.


Anthony said...

I like...
And it will look even better after one of your framing jobs!

Have a nice weekend!

petapledger said...

Yes, this is a great box.

I can still remember how cold the marbles of this game would be when you took them out of the box. :)

LoteIT said...

ug - have to say that this box brings back some serious childhood memories - we had that set of checkers above the fire place and I wanted to play with the famiglia. Mum had told me to wait until she got it down but did I listen? Oh no - up on tippy tippy tippy toes I reached up to get the box down and the lid tipped and then disaster - all the checkers dropped into the fire and started exploding and melting like crazy. I can still see the blackened melted checkers. It was one of those life lessons - when someone asks you to wait sometimes it's a very good idea to listen!