to take a break.... it seems like this time last year one of us in the land of Arthur's Circus hit the wall - now it is my turn. To keep it short and not delve too much info, I have been struggling to balance the life, shop and mother load. This year Arthur has had a never ending supply of bugs and colds and ear infections.( We're now heading down the ENT path). So for the next 2 weeks I want to be hanging out with my little fella, looking after him and not running a shop.
Also thanks to everyone who came to see our Milkbar show. It was fun and encouraging to meet new people who share a love for nostalgia and 20 cent paddle pops...So we're open tomorrow and Saturday 11-5pm and then will be back the first week of November. Please call us if you're planning a visit from afar, we can arrange a time for you to visit whilst we take this time out.