I have uploaded a few photos from our trip up north to our
flickr site. Just don't be expecting your usual touristy and family snaps, as you wont find them there. Whilst I was uploading and photoshopping I was listening to an album, by
James Yuill. You should check his music out. I'm not good at musical descriptions so I won't try but here is a
link to one on you tube. I have decided that now is the time to improve my feedback skills and linking to other people. I am hopeless at it. You should see how much feedback I have never left for ebay, etsy, comments on flickr etc. We receive many kind words, in person and via the web. So I actually emailed James Yuill, to tell him I liked his music and do you know what, he emailed back and said thankyou. So I would now like to thank everyone who visits us and leaves comments, we do appreciate it and may I also apologise to all the folk I've never feedbacked (except the ones who don't package things properly) and left nice comments on blogs I regularly read.